You must first connect your domain name to Show & Tour, then you can add it as your default project domain name or your dashboard url.
Follow these steps to set up your default domain name & custom dashboard URL.
Navigate to the Branding tab in your account settings >>
Find the 'Custom Domains' box and click on either 'Default Domain' or 'Dashboard URL'
Click on 'Add New Default Domain' or 'Add New Admin Dashboard URL'.
Type in the domain name you want to add.
Click on the drop down next to the text 'Domain Requires Setup', then click on 'Complete Domain Setup'.ย
You should now see a green check mark indicating it has been added correctly. If you are receiving an error message, there might be an issue with your domain setup, see here.
Now that your domain is connected, you can select it in the list.
Exit the selection box and click 'Save Changes'.
SEE ALSO: Adding a Custom Domain Name to a Project